Selecting, Moving and Resizing Previews

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Selected Preview

Selecting a Preview as the Current View

Click a Preview's View Selector

Preview > Next and Preview > Previous Main Menu Options

Preview > Next and Preview > Previous: Keyboard Shortcuts

Dynamically Changing a Preview's Size and Position

To Select the Edit Preview Mode

Image View Tool Bar

Keyboard Shortcut

Image Window Context Menu

Image > Mode Main Menu Option

Dynamically Moving and Resizing a Preview Rectangle

Selected Preview

When you have more than one preview defined in the same image view, only one of them can be the selected preview at a given time —don't confuse this with the image window's current view. The following screen shots clarify these two concepts:

Preview03 is the selected preview. Note the green rectangle.
The current view is the window's image view, namely Image01.

Preview01 is now the current view. Note the active view selector and the window's caption. When a preview is the current view of its parent window, it is also considered as its parent window's selected preview.

Selected preview rectangles are drawn with a special color; by default it is green, but it can be changed through global preferences. Most of the available preview operations can be performed very easily on the selected preview, including changing its properties, storing and resetting its subimage, destroying it, etc., without the need of changing the window's current view.

To select a preview, the active image view must be in the Edit Preview mode. In Edit Preview mode, just click into a preview rectangle to select it.

Selecting a Preview as the Current View

To make a preview its parent window's current view, you can:

  • Click a Preview's View Selector
    The easiest way: locate the view selector for the preview you want to select, and click it.

  • Preview > Next and Preview > Previous Main Menu Options
    With these menu options you can visit the whole set of views for the active image window sequentially.

  • Preview > Next and Preview > Previous: Keyboard Shortcuts
    Use the main menu options directly, or press the corresponding keyboard shortcuts sequentially. You can use the menu options

    To select this view as the current view:

    Press these keys:

    Next preview
    If the last preview is the current view, then the image view is selected.


    Previous preview
    If the first preview is the current view, then the image view is selected.


Note that each view has its own private zoom ratio and scrolling position. When you navigate through different previews and the image view, each of them remembers its state and restores its own image on the screen accordingly.

Many interface elements, as enabled/disabled menu items, information shown on some status bars and window captions, etc., may change automatically to keep coherence with the status and characteristics of the currently selected view.

Dynamically Changing a Preview's Size and Position

This can only be done on the preview's parent image view in the Edit Preview mode. As happens with the New Preview mode, the Edit Preview mode cannot be selected for previews, since previews cannot exist in previews.

Be aware that if you move or resize a preview, its subimage is reloaded from the image view, and the existing stored subimages and processing histories are lost.

To Select the Edit Preview Mode

  • Image View Tool Bar

  • Keyboard Shortcut
    Press Alt-E to select the New Preview mode. As for the rest of image view mode activation shortcuts, you can omit the Alt ket when an image window is active, so pressing the 'E' key alone also selects the Edit Preview mode in these cases.
  • Image Window Context Menu
    Right-click on the desired image view and select the Edit Preview menu item:

  • Image > Mode Main Menu Option

Dynamically Moving and Resizing a Preview Rectangle

In the Edit Preview mode, note that the cursor shape changes as you move it over preview rectangles, to provide you feedback about the operations that can be performed if you click and drag at particular locations. The figure below shows all of these shapes and informs about what can be done in each case:

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