pcl::SimpleColorDialog Class Reference

A simple color selection dialog. More...

#include <ColorDialog.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for pcl::SimpleColorDialog:

Public Types

enum  { AlphaEnabled = 0x0080 , Grayscale = 0x0020 }
- Public Types inherited from pcl::Dialog
using execute_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Dialog &sender)
using return_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Dialog &sender, int retCode)
using std_code = StdDialogCode::value_type
- Public Types inherited from pcl::Control
using child_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, Control &child)
using close_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, bool &allowClose)
using event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender)
using file_drag_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const StringList &files, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsFiles)
using file_drop_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const StringList &files, unsigned modifiers)
using keyboard_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, int key, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsKey)
using mouse_button_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, int button, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers)
using mouse_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers)
using mouse_wheel_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, int delta, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers)
using move_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &newPos, const pcl::Point &oldPos)
using paint_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Rect &updateRect)
using resize_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, int newWidth, int newHeight, int oldWidth, int oldHeight)
using view_drag_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const View &view, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsView)
using view_drop_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const View &view, unsigned modifiers)

Public Member Functions

 SimpleColorDialog (RGBA *color=nullptr, uint32 flags=0)
 ~SimpleColorDialog () override
RGBA Color () const
bool IsAlphaEnabled () const
bool IsGrayscale () const
void SetColor (RGBA color)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::Dialog
 Dialog (Control &parent=Control::Null())
 ~Dialog () override
void Cancel ()
void DisableUserResizing (bool disable=true)
void EnableUserResizing (bool=true)
int Execute ()
bool IsUserResizable () const
void Ok ()
void OnExecute (execute_event_handler handler, Control &receiver)
void OnReturn (return_event_handler handler, Control &receiver)
void Open ()
void Return (int retCode)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::Control
 Control (const Control &)=delete
 Control (Control &&)=delete
 Control (Control &parent=Null(), uint32=0)
 ~Control () override
void ActivateRealTimePreview ()
void ActivateTrackView ()
void ActivateWindow ()
void AdjustToContents ()
RGBA AlternateCanvasColor () const
RGBA BackgroundColor () const
pcl::Rect BoundsRect () const
void BringToFront ()
RGBA ButtonColor () const
RGBA ButtonTextColor () const
bool CanUpdate () const
RGBA CanvasColor ()
ControlChildByPos (const pcl::Point &p) const
ControlChildByPos (int x, int y) const
pcl::Rect ChildrenRect () const
ControlChildToFocus () const
void ClearInfoText ()
int ClientHeight () const
pcl::Rect ClientRect () const
int ClientWidth () const
void ControlToLocal (const Control &, int &x, int &y) const
pcl::Point ControlToLocal (const Control &w, const pcl::Point &p) const
pcl::Cursor Cursor () const
void DeactivateRealTimePreview ()
void DeactivateTrackView ()
void Disable (bool disabled=true)
void DisableExpansion (bool horzDisable=true, bool vertDisable=true)
void DisableMouseTracking (bool disable=true)
void DisableUpdates (bool disable=true)
double DisplayPixelRatio () const
virtual void Enable (bool enabled=true)
void EnableExpansion (bool horzEnable=true, bool vertEnable=true)
void EnableMouseTracking (bool=true)
void EnableUpdates (bool enable=true)
void EnsureLayoutUpdated ()
void EnsureUnique () override
void Focus (bool focus=true)
ControlFocusedChild () const
FocusStyles FocusStyle () const
pcl::Font Font () const
RGBA ForegroundColor () const
int FrameHeight () const
pcl::Rect FrameRect () const
int FrameWidth () const
pcl::Cursor GetCursor () const
pcl::Font GetFont () const
void GetMaxSize (int &w, int &h) const
void GetMinSize (int &w, int &h) const
void GetScaledMaxSize (int &w, int &h) const
void GetScaledMinSize (int &w, int &h) const
pcl::Sizer GetSizer () const
pcl::Point GlobalToLocal (const pcl::Point &p) const
void GlobalToLocal (int &x, int &y) const
int Height () const
void Hide ()
RGBA HighlightColor () const
RGBA HighlightedTextColor () const
String InfoText () const
bool IsActiveWindow () const
bool IsAncestorOf (const Control &) const
virtual bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsFixedHeight () const
bool IsFixedWidth () const
bool IsFocused () const
bool IsHidden () const
bool IsHorizontalExpansionEnabled () const
bool IsMaximized () const
bool IsMinimized () const
bool IsModal () const
bool IsMouseTrackingEnabled () const
bool IsRealTimePreviewActive () const
bool IsTrackViewActive () const
bool IsUnderMouse () const
bool IsVerticalExpansionEnabled () const
bool IsVisible () const
bool IsWindow () const
void LocalToControl (const Control &, int &x, int &y) const
pcl::Point LocalToControl (const Control &w, const pcl::Point &p) const
pcl::Point LocalToGlobal (const pcl::Point &p) const
void LocalToGlobal (int &x, int &y) const
pcl::Point LocalToParent (const pcl::Point &p) const
void LocalToParent (int &x, int &y) const
int LogicalPixelsToPhysical (int size) const
int LogicalPixelsToResource (int size) const
int MaxHeight () const
int MaxWidth () const
int MinHeight () const
int MinWidth () const
void Move (const pcl::Point &p)
void Move (int x, int y)
ControlNextSiblingToFocus () const
void OnChildCreate (child_event_handler, Control &)
void OnChildDestroy (child_event_handler, Control &)
void OnClose (close_event_handler, Control &)
void OnDestroy (event_handler, Control &)
void OnEnter (event_handler, Control &)
void OnFileDrag (file_drag_event_handler, Control &)
void OnFileDrop (file_drop_event_handler, Control &)
void OnGetFocus (event_handler, Control &)
void OnHide (event_handler, Control &)
void OnKeyPress (keyboard_event_handler, Control &)
void OnKeyRelease (keyboard_event_handler, Control &)
void OnLeave (event_handler, Control &)
void OnLoseFocus (event_handler, Control &)
void OnMouseDoubleClick (mouse_event_handler, Control &)
void OnMouseMove (mouse_event_handler, Control &)
void OnMousePress (mouse_button_event_handler, Control &)
void OnMouseRelease (mouse_button_event_handler, Control &)
void OnMouseWheel (mouse_wheel_event_handler, Control &)
void OnMove (move_event_handler, Control &)
void OnPaint (paint_event_handler, Control &)
void OnResize (resize_event_handler, Control &)
void OnShow (event_handler, Control &)
void OnViewDrag (view_drag_event_handler, Control &)
void OnViewDrop (view_drop_event_handler, Control &)
Controloperator= (const Control &)=delete
Controloperator= (Control &&)=delete
ControlParent () const
pcl::Point ParentToLocal (const pcl::Point &p) const
void ParentToLocal (int &x, int &y) const
int PhysicalPixelsToLogical (int size) const
pcl::Point Position () const
void Repaint ()
void Repaint (const pcl::Rect &r)
void Repaint (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
void Resize (int w, int h)
double ResourcePixelRatio () const
int ResourcePixelsToLogical (int size) const
void Restyle ()
Point ScaledCursorHotSpot (const Point &hotSpot) const
Point ScaledCursorHotSpot (int xHot, int yHot) const
int ScaledMaxHeight () const
int ScaledMaxWidth () const
int ScaledMinHeight () const
int ScaledMinWidth () const
template<class R >
String ScaledResource (R resource) const
template<class S >
String ScaledStyleSheet (S cssCode, int fontDPI=0) const
void Scroll (const pcl::Point &d)
void Scroll (const pcl::Point &d, const pcl::Rect &r)
void Scroll (int dx, int dy)
void Scroll (int dx, int dy, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
void SendToBack ()
void SetAlternateCanvasColor (RGBA)
void SetBackgroundColor (RGBA)
void SetButtonColor (RGBA)
void SetButtonTextColor (RGBA)
void SetCanvasColor (RGBA)
void SetChildToFocus (Control &)
void SetClientRect (const pcl::Rect &r)
void SetClientRect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
void SetCursor (const pcl::Cursor &)
void SetCursorToParent ()
void SetFixedHeight ()
void SetFixedHeight (int h)
void SetFixedSize ()
void SetFixedSize (int w, int h)
void SetFixedWidth ()
void SetFixedWidth (int w)
void SetFocusStyle (FocusStyles)
void SetFont (const pcl::Font &)
void SetForegroundColor (RGBA)
void SetHighlightColor (RGBA)
void SetHighlightedTextColor (RGBA)
void SetInfoText (const String &)
void SetMaxHeight ()
void SetMaxHeight (int h)
void SetMaxSize ()
void SetMaxSize (int w, int h)
void SetMaxWidth ()
void SetMaxWidth (int w)
void SetMinHeight ()
void SetMinHeight (int h)
void SetMinSize ()
void SetMinSize (int w, int h)
void SetMinWidth ()
void SetMinWidth (int w)
void SetNextSiblingToFocus (Control &)
void SetParent (Control &)
void SetRealTimePreviewActive (bool=true)
void SetScaledFixedHeight (int h)
void SetScaledFixedSize (int w, int h)
void SetScaledFixedWidth (int w)
void SetScaledMaxHeight (int h)
void SetScaledMaxSize (int w, int h)
void SetScaledMaxWidth (int w)
void SetScaledMinHeight (int h)
void SetScaledMinSize (int w, int h)
void SetScaledMinWidth (int w)
void SetSizer (pcl::Sizer &)
void SetStyleSheet (const String &css)
void SetTextColor (RGBA)
void SetToolTip (const String &)
void SetTrackViewActive (bool=true)
void SetVariableHeight ()
void SetVariableSize ()
void SetVariableWidth ()
void SetVisible (bool visible)
void SetWindowOpacity (double)
void SetWindowTitle (const String &)
void Show ()
pcl::Sizer Sizer () const
void StackUnder (Control &)
String StyleSheet () const
RGBA TextColor () const
String ToolTip () const
void Unfocus ()
void Update ()
void Update (const pcl::Rect &r)
void Update (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
pcl::Rect VisibleRect () const
int Width () const
ControlWindow () const
double WindowOpacity () const
String WindowTitle () const
int X () const
int Y () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::UIObject
virtual ~UIObject () noexcept(false)
bool IsAlias () const
bool IsGarbage () const
bool IsNull () const
bool IsSameObject (const UIObject &o) const
bool IsUnique () const
String ObjectId () const
IsoString ObjectType () const
bool operator< (const UIObject &o) const
bool operator== (const UIObject &o) const
size_type RefCount () const
void SetObjectId (const String &id)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::Dialog
static void ProcessEvents (bool excludeUserInputEvents=false)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::Control
static void HideToolTip ()
static ControlNull ()
static void ShowToolTip (const Point &pos, const String &text, const Control &control=Control::Null(), const Rect &rect=Rect(0))
static void ShowToolTip (int x, int y, const String &text, const Control &control=Control::Null(), const Rect &rect=Rect(0))
static String ToolTipText ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcl::UIObject
static UIObjectNull ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pcl::UIObject
 UIObject ()=default
 UIObject (const UIObject &x)
 UIObject (UIObject &&x)
UIObjectoperator= (const UIObject &x)
UIObjectoperator= (UIObject &&x)

Detailed Description

SimpleColorDialog is a simplified color selection dialog box. This class is suitable to implement quick definition of 32-bit RGBA color items as part of a user preferences definition interface. It implements optional support for an alpha (transparency) component. Color components are specified in the eight-bit range [0,255].

See also

Definition at line 89 of file ColorDialog.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enable definition of the alpha (transparency) component.


Define a grayscale AARRGGBB color, where RR=GG=BB.

Definition at line 93 of file ColorDialog.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimpleColorDialog()

pcl::SimpleColorDialog::SimpleColorDialog ( RGBA color = nullptr,
uint32  flags = 0 

Constructs a SimpleColorDialog object.

colorAddress of a 32-bit unsigned integer variable (a RGBA color value). If a non-null pointer is specified, when the user accepts the dialog the selected color value will be written to the specified variable.
flagsA combination of flags that define the behavior of the color selection dialog. Currently the following flags are supported:

SimpleColorDialog::AlphaEnabled: Enable definition of the alpha (transparency) component

SimpleColorDialog::Grayscale: Define a grayscale AARRGGBB color, where RR=GG=BB.

◆ ~SimpleColorDialog()

pcl::SimpleColorDialog::~SimpleColorDialog ( )

Destroys a SimpleColorDialog object.

Definition at line 122 of file ColorDialog.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Color()

RGBA pcl::SimpleColorDialog::Color ( ) const

Returns the RGBA color value that has been defined by the user.

If a non-null pointer was passed to the constructor, this function returns the same color value that will be (or has been) written to the corresponding variable.

Definition at line 142 of file ColorDialog.h.

◆ IsAlphaEnabled()

bool pcl::SimpleColorDialog::IsAlphaEnabled ( ) const

Returns true iff this dialog allows definition of an alpha (transparency) color component.

Definition at line 151 of file ColorDialog.h.

◆ IsGrayscale()

bool pcl::SimpleColorDialog::IsGrayscale ( ) const

Returns true iff this dialog defines a grayscale color, where the three individual RGB components are equal.

Definition at line 160 of file ColorDialog.h.

◆ SetColor()

void pcl::SimpleColorDialog::SetColor ( RGBA  color)

Sets the current RGBA color value.

This function can be called before executing the dialog to set an initial color value, as an alternative to passing a non-null pointer to the constructor.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: