WBPP : File I/O Error: Unable to open File: Win32 error(32):The file is already been used by another process


New member
Since upgrading my PC, I have had difficulty integrating my images into WBPP. The error always appears that a file is being used by another process, usually the name of a log file appears. I tried some combinations in th
e parallel processing part, but without success. I have an i7 12th generation, 32Gb of RAM and nvme SSD disks.
Since upgrading my PC, I have had difficulty integrating my images into WBPP. The error always appears that a file is being used by another process, usually the name of a log file appears. I tried some combinations in thView attachment 22954e parallel processing part, but without success. I have an i7 12th generation, 32Gb of RAM and nvme SSD disks.

Hello @pedroashidani

Do you have a cloud service (like dropbox,...) or maybe a NAS, saving in real time the content of your D drive?