Creating Process Icons

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Main Window Context Menu

Using a Process Drag Object form a Processing Window

Main Window Context Menu

On this context menu, the New Process item includes a series of submenu items corresponding to all of the existing process categories. The entire set of processes included in your version of PixInsight, plus processes defined by installed application modules (not in LE versions), can be found on this categorized tree, sorted in alphabetical order.

To instantiate a process as a new process icon, just find the process under its category and select the corresponding menu option:

After selecting the menu item, a new process icon is created on the main window's work area just at the location where you right-clicked to pop up the context menu:

Using a Process Drag Object form a Processing Window

Perhaps the most useful and frequently used way to instantiate processes is by using process drag objects. These are small button-like things located at the bottom left corner of virtually any processing window in PixInsight.

Drag a process drag object to a free location on the main window's work area and a new icon instance of the corresponding process will be created.

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